Saturday, October 18, 2014


Assalamualaikum w.b.t.,
hai semua...even pon maybe orang da tak main blog2 nie semua takpela..janji aku bole tulis wht I need to write down here...

Berbalik pada topik aku kali ni...FAMILY,FRIENDS,LOVER???

apa yang berlaku kat aku tentang 3 kumpulan diatas yang kalau ikutkan kehidupan seorang manusia 3 nie adalah antara yang paling dekat ngn kita kan???
aku nak cite erti 3 kumpulan nie pada aku..

tak da apa yang aku nak complain about mia familia...malah aku bersyukur,Alhamdulillah sebab aku ada family macam yg aku ada aku,family aku adalah my perfect one can replace their place in my life...aku dibesarkan dengan dorg n walau mcam mna pon their my first...sejak aku mula keluar melihat alam nyata semakin aku bersyukur because Allah swt chose me to become a part of theirs..n it makes me more grateful to have them while some unfortunate peoples cant have a taste of having a parents loves me and I feel so secure with my two older brothers and my little one can make me feel more secure than having them around me...loves me..raise me...I thank Allah swt for that..Alhamdulillah Ya Allah...

pasal ni aku masih tak boleh nak buat kesimpulan...dalam dunia akhir zaman ni,agak susah untuk aku mempercayai orang luar...once, I thought I've found the one but apparently she's not...For me want to have a bestfriend is like want to go somewhere far that you barely reach....based on my experience,I'd found a friend who is a hypocrite, sellfish, sweet talker and blablabla....especially girls...gossiping here and there.....sometimes I dont understand...maybe it's natural for girls....I'm not saying I never gossiped other people...but I also met some people who is really honest on build friendship with me...and I thank Allah swt for that....people who loves me besides my family...become my partner-in-crime,my sister,my little sister,my "mom" when I'm with them...

-LOVER-...............................NO COMMENT....................MAYBE LATER...................................

this is all I think...bye..
Assalamualaikum wbt..


Friday, October 10, 2014


Assalamualaikum w.b.t.,
da lamanya la aku xupdate blog nieeee....dah bukan berdebu aku rasa..bersawang dah....kejap..kemas jap....

haaa...gara-gara da lama tak bukak nie..mmg alamatnya banyakla yang nak cite...tapi xpelaa..ape yg aku ingt aku cite yee....

bulan ogos 2014 aku memulai tugasku sebagai mahasiswi FKG UGM....ingatkan sem 2 je yg gile..rupa2nya sem 3 pon sama....haishhh....ade lab RADEN,FISIO,ANAT,DA,PA,BIOMAT...5 lab every week....bayangkan demi untuk kejar cita-cita dan impian,aku kuat jugak....memang aku tak kata belajar ni senang,mesti ada cabaran dia..dan aku harap aku boleh bertahan sampai ke penghujungnya...

Sepanjang aku ada kat sini,macam-macam yang aku belajar dan Alhamdulillah aku boleh menimba pengalaman dari peristiwa-peristiwa yang berlaku.Siapa kata belajar dentistry senang?? ya,memang pada awalnya aku pon fikir benda yang sama tapi bila masuk U n amik this course,it make me realise that there's no such thing as easy gain in this world..if u want it,u have to fight for it...n this is what i do....many thought that I was too young to enter this faculty...Yela..for malaysians,umur 19 or 20 baru amek degree....but from wht i learned here,if u want to find knowledge,u are not too young nor to old for it...hold to a quote "cari lah ilmu hingga ke Negeri Cina"...and my dad always said no pain,no gain....aku akui aku pernah terasa amat lemah but I remembered wht my parents had sacrificed for sending me here and I can't dissapoint them...I want them to be proud of me..I want to pay for what they have done to raise me and my siblings and I also want to prove to others that I'm not that stupid to get into medical field.

Cukuplah dulu pengalaman aku di PLKN mengajar aku yang tak semua orang itu fikiran sama dan hasad dengki sesama manusia itu akhirnya boleh memakan diri sendiri..cukuplah aku terseksa 3 bulan dan akhirnya aku bebas disini.Orang mungkin fikir aku ni senang di pijak kepala tapi cukuplah.Daripada aku membuang masa melayang kerenah yang macam budak kecil,it's better for me to fight for my dreams.

Walaupun dekat sini aku kena benda yang sama,tapi aku masih bertahan.Mungkin itu adalah dugaan yang diberi oleh Allah swt kepada aku...aku redha.....

Sekarang aku bahagia dengan orang sekeliling aku,family aku,sahabat-sahabat aku....mereka yang bagi kekuatan pada aku untuk teruskan perjuangan ini....dan aku bersyukur sebab mereka ada disamping aku...Alhamdulillah...

Sekian sahaja coretan aku buat kali ini....kalau ada waktu luang aku akan tulis lagi...hehehehe
Assalamualaikum w.b.t


Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Assalamualaikum w.b.t

dah lame rase xupdate blog nie...dah berdebu dah...tambah2 awal tahun nie ade gunung Kelud meletop..lg la berdebu..jap...*tiup2 blog bg ilang debu* life...hurmmm....nk ckp ape yee.....
oh and him da ok da....sem 2 nie...we already solved our die...
sem 2 as a dentistry student....only 1 word can describe it..that is HECTIC!
why..??firstly,ktorang ade a total of 14 subjects per week...and have 4 labs,BIOCHEM,TKG,ANAT&HISTO....biochem kene wat reports...what else??oh ye...nak tgk hasil aku buat retainer n gigi palsu??later la ye aku tunjuk...hohohohoho
mase first masuk I thought that we only learn about mouth but I'm's been a very suprising experience for me...thank god I still alive to tell u the story...

ape lagi..??now we have new system...that called INTEGRASI where all fisio,histo,biochem and anat bergabung jd mcm satu subjek...and for anat we have to use cadavers or mayat....whole body!!
for pictures i think nahh....better not....anyway this blog is like my 2nd diary...but sape yg slalu open my blog can have a peek-a-boo in my life....and once again but no one wants to read it...huuuu~~~

Ok la...that is all I think....for all of u guys...GOOD LUCK out there!!!
semoga ALLAH S.W.T. memberkati kalian...Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
